Brain Health & Nutrition

Main Readings (Compiled from several of the sources below)
Brain Health
Other Materials

Discussion Questions

  1. How is your brain these days? How does it feel?  How is it performing?

  2. What affects your brain performance?

  3. What are your brain’s strongest and weakest abilities?

  4. What has it gotten better or worse at over time?

  5. Is there anything you do that is especially helpful or harmful for your brain?

  6. When are you at your sharpest mentally?  When are you at your weakest?
    Do you ever experience brain fog?

  7. What are you doing that is positive or negative for your brain health?

  8. Have you ever made dietary changes in the hopes of improving your mental strength?
    What were they and how effective were they?

  9. How do different foods you eat affect your stomach, mood mind, and/or energy levels?

  10. Do you look at nutrition labels? If so, do they affect your consumption habits?

  11. How different is your diet from your parents? your children?

  12. Which foods do you eat that have a lot of salt, sugar, trans fat, or other potentially harmful ingredients?

  13. Do you take any vitamins or dietary supplements? Which ones? Why?

  14. How have your eating habits changed over time?

  15. What kinds of diets have you tried?  Which were effective?  How did they affect you?

  16.  What is a typical night of sleep like for you?

  17. Do you use any strategies to try to sleep well?

  18.  Have have your sleep habits changed over time?

  19. How does sleep deprivation affect you?

Week #2 (2021): Stress!


Ban Ki Moon dishes about an unfortunate interpreter

Discussion Questions

  1. Which of these is most stressful for you….
    (public speaking, taking a test, going on a first date, long flights, giving presentations,
    work gatherings, dealing with native English speakers, ….?)
  2. Aside from GSIT, what causes you stress? (, family, lovelife, health, future, etc.)
  3. How has Covid-19 affected your stress levels?
  4. What were the most stressful periods of your life?
  5. What were the least stressful, most care-free periods of your life?
  6. These days, when do you feel the most relaxed or unstressed?
  7. Who’s the most/least stressed person you know?
  8. How do different members of your family deal with stress?
  9. How does stress affect you physically & emotionally?  
  10. What health consequences have you experienced because of stress?
  11. How do you usually cope with stress?
  12. How do you view counseling? Would you consider it as an option?
    Do you know people who have experienced it? Was it helpful?
  13. What is unique or different about stress in Korea? Causes?  Responses?
  14. When you’ve traveled to different countries, have you noticed anything different about how the people there deal with stress?
  15. How will your future decisions (career, partnership, kids, residence, etc.) affect your stress levels?


Week#1 – Orientation & Getting Acquainted




Due March 9

Post a video introduction to the class BAND (at least 2 minutes long)
You can take a ‘selfie video’ or get help from a friend. Be as creative as you like! (e.g. give a tour of your home, take us with you on a weekend outing, share a special interest, etc.) The goal is to continue getting acquainted and learn something about our lives outside of the classroom.

If you have any problems uploading the video to the Band, email the file to Jeff at [email protected]

Jeff’s Examples
